Fundación Niños con Destino
At the start of the pandemic, MPI helped to fundraise for FNCD and we were able to raise $600 for them, which they used to provide food and other essentials to over 150 Ecuadorian families who were struggling. Our virtual volunteers led activities for kids at FNCD focused in art, science, history, and nutrition, as well as created presentations for the FNCD teachers to use when leading activities. Most recently, MPI opened our Centro for in-person use by FNCD! They started a new initiative to reduce begging in the Rumiñahui area, and have been conducting workshops and other activities with families at our Centro.
MPI’s virtual volunteers led virtual English classes for children at Gotitas, an organziation that serves 3-4 year olds of low income parents who need to work during the day.
Staff and volunteers led social media workshop for some of the entrepreneurs at Guangopolo, The workshop taught participants how to market their online business and improve their presence on social media, including how to create business cards, flyers, and other advertisements using Canva, create and operate a Facebook Business page, and create meaningful content for Instagram.