Vacation Update

Oh, the places we will go. .

A quick check-in from the Manna crew.   Currently we are enjoying our holiday vacations; some of us back in the States, some of us here in Ecuador. 

Polly is back home enjoying time with family and friends in Connecticut.  She will be heading to San Francisco for his cousin's wedding in wine country!

Madeline started her break by traveling to Montanita, a popular Ecuador beach town, with Sarah and Polly.  She is home in Washington, D.C., celebrating the holidays with the family.  Spending New Years Eve in NYC, she returned home to host a baby shower for his sister-in-law, welcoming the first grankid into the family!

Jenni started her vacations traveling with a good friend from Ecuador camping in the Papallacta lake area.  Returning home to Colorado to spend time with family and friends, she is already back in Ecuador with her father visiting, keeping us company.

Janine started her vacation a bit earlier than the rest, returning home for Medical School interviews at Harvard, Yale, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Maryland.  Spending time with the family for the holidays in the Baltimore area she will be resuming interviews after the New Year before returning to Ecuador.

Lucy is back home in New Orleans with her family.  She has plans to travel San Diego to visit her boyfriend, who visited us in November and is an honorary member of Manna.  She will be back in South America soon, traveling to Peru with her sisters to hike the Inca Trail to Manchu Picchu.

Jefferson returned back to El Dorado, Arkansas for time with family and friends.  Spending New Years Eve in the Big Apple, he will back in Ecuador after a short stint in Cartagena, a popular Colombian beach town in the Caribbean.

Joey and myself spent two weeks in Colombia, spending most of our time in Cali, the Salsa capitol of the world.  After a few days spent in Ladrilleros, a small Colombian island in the Pacific, we returned back to Ecuador with new dance moves and traveling stories.

Heather has been splitting her vacation time between Washington, D.C. with her sister and Maine with the rest of her family.  Before Christmas she was in Philadelphia for a reunion with her girlfriends from last year's Manna crew.

New Years here in Sangolqui was so much fun!  Who knew that our little barrio turns into a host of live music, "las viudas" who are men dressing as women collecting change, people dancing Salsa throughout the night, fireworks filling the air with booming sounds and beautiful sights.

Vacation ends next week, when all of us will be back in the Manna house.  Check back with us then for updates and more interesting stories.

Happy New Year to all of our followers and supporters!

Best wishes,