Recruitment Help

Well the first week back has been busy as ever. Inscriptions are already on fire and most of our classes have hit the limit. But instead of a usual update, I'd like to ask a favor for all our readers. The applications for next years PD's have been coming in a little slower than previous years. If there is someone that you know that would be a good fit for any of the MPI sites (but mainly Ecuador, because come on, it's the best) please let them know about Manna. Also, if you are a part or know of any listservs that would want to know about Manna, you could pass along the blurb I've posted below. Thanks for your help and your continued following of MPI Ecuador.

Graduating this year?  
Looking for a unique summer internship?
Embark on the adventure of a lifetime with
Manna Project International!

Manna Project International is a non-profit organization that specializes in holistic community development.  We connect young professionals and recent college graduates with international service opportunities in
Guatemala, Ecuador, and Nicaragua.

Apply to be a 7- or 13-Month International Program Director! The day-to-day operations at each of our sites are run by teams of international Program Directors who design and implement community development initiatives in a range of fields, including health, environment, education, and micro-finance.  

Be a part of our Summer Internship Program! Through MPI's 4 to 8 week Summer Internship Program, interns assist the Program Directors in planning and leading programs on the ground in Guatemala, Ecuador, or Nicaragua. Interns use their skills and interests to determine the programs with which they work, and many choose to design and lead their own project!

For more information on these unique opportunities, visit or contact