Adult Nutrition and Cooking (recipe included!)

As many of you know Adult Nutrition and Cooking is held every Saturday afternoon after English classes. The class focuses on introducing new recipes as well as providing healthy alternatives to classic Ecuadorian dishes. This year the course is being taught by the lovely Virginia and Claudia who started the class off by introducing typical dishes from their homes, including fish tacos (for Claudia's hometown of San Diego) and shrimp and grits (to represent Virginia's southern roots).

Virginia showing the class how to layer the pie 

Tomato Pie 
Last Saturday I had the pleasure of joining their class, to help cook, meet the wonderful participants, and eat some delicious food. The theme of the week was 'Alternatives to Wheat Flour' and Virginia introduced a tomato pie recipe with a bean flour crust (recipe below). After the food prep was finished, Claudia led a short charla about different types of flour including quinoa flour, coco flour and yuca flour, and their best uses. The pie was delicious and it was great to chat with different community members as we cooked and ate!

Enjoying the final product! 

Chefs/Profes Claudia and Virginia  

Pie de Tomate Receta


4 tomates (rebanado)
1 cebolla blanco (grande y picada)
1 taza albahaca
2 tazas de queso cheddar (rallado)
½ taza mayonesa


Primero, cocer la corteza vacía en el horno a 350 grados por 30 minutos o hasta la corteza esta doradas.  Segundo, cortar los tomates y la cebolla.  Saltear la cebolla.  En la corteza al horno, hacer capas del tomate, la cebolla, albahaca y queso rallado.  En cima del pie, poner la mayonesa y un poquito del queso rallado.  Cocer al horno el pie por 20 minutos mas o hasta el queso se derrita.

La Corteza:

2 tazas de harina
1 taza de mantequilla
1 cucharadita de sal
7 cucharaditas de agua

Corta la mantequilla en cubos.  Mezclar la mantequilla con la harina y sal.  Poco a poco, agregar el agua.  Amasar la masa hasta todo esta mezclado.  Rodar el plano de masa y ponerla en un molde de tarta.