Women's Charla

Last Thursday the female members of MPIE hosted the second-ever Women's Only charla.  The first charla was centered around the hard-hitting topic of children's nutrition, but this time the topic was a bit more risqué.  The theme was how to talk to your children about sex and sensitive subjects.  Over quinoa apple bread and instant coffee, we the women of the Valley de los Chillos discussed everything from how to talk to your kids about sex, to safe sex methods, to stereotypes in Ecuador involving teenagers and sex, to even religion.  Things got real, but as we all know, the only way to erode negative stereotypes and inaccurate information is to normalize these themes through discussion and positive affirmation!  With quite the variety of beliefs and backgrounds hosted at last week's talk, there was the full gamut of opposing opinions, but I'd say overall the charla was a huge success.  The topic for the third MPIE women's charla is still pending but it's definitely sure to push the envelope of informative discussion as has it's predecessors!