Shoes to Fill / A Few Lessons

As with every good-bye, those said by this past year's PDs were not far from others saying, "hello." And so we arrived, the "new blood," the "newbies," los "nuevos," we ten Program Directors who will be Manna Project's hands for the coming year. Countless e-mails, an orientation with Ecuador's new PDs in Florida, and a month of training on site has preluded the transition but regardless it is intimidating to know that we are charged to fill shoes we saw walk with such an impact. We have constantly asked ourselves if we can possibly know the hordes of names and faces that our predecessors were able to rattle off, whether the children and parents will listen to us as well, laugh as loudly, or smile as broadly as they did with Josh, Nikki, Maddie, Mary Rose, Emily, Michael, Tressa, and Christina.

While we attempt to learn the paths of love pioneered by those amazing people who have pioneered MPI's presence in Managua, there have been other lessons this new life is teaching us already. I will share a few:

How to dye your tongue with local pitaya...

... How to ride a pickup Nica-style...

... How to enjoy a surprise downpour...

... How to speak Spanish. (And forget English)...

... How to make peace with monkeys boarding your ship...

... And finally, how to handle an active volcano.

Here and eager to learn,

The New Team