
Two weeks ago the feeding program at Farito started back up, one of the programs that Manna helps facilitate on a weekly basis.  The program was started by Kathy August, a missionary who also lives here in Nicaragua.  This year, however, she is taking a 6-month break from Nicaragua to teach in the United States, and so the Manna team has  taken over the twice weekly job of organizing and feeding lunches to about fifty to sixty kids that live in Cedro Galon.
How it works is we have an organized schedule that designates two cooks for every Tuesday and Thursday, who are women living in the community.  Everyone who volunteered to be on the schedule will cook about once a month.   Our duties then are to help make sure that all of the kids wash their hands before they eat, receive their food, and then brush their teeth afterwards.  We also assign a few kids to help with clean-up afterwards in order to get some Farito dollars for the Venta.  Despite the whole process being a little loud and crazy, everything worked out the past couple of weeks and the kids were happy and fed.  We had around sixty kids the first week and about the same this past week.  So far so good and we look forward for the weeks to come!
The kids getting ready to get their food. 

The kids enjoying their comida!

PD's Amanda and Johanna washing dishes.

Table of girls enjoying their meal.

Shirley smiling with her clean bowl after her meal.