
This past Saturday, we gathered children and their families from our Child Sponsorship program and headed to the Land for a paseo (field trip)!  The Land is a sports complex created and maintained by the August family, missionaries from Seattle, Washington.  We danced to music, ate snacks of bananas and cremas, played on the swings, shot hoops, and played lots of soccer, keep away, and tag.  The day ended with a piñata and lots of smiles as the kids collected as many caramelas (candies) that their little hands could hold. 
The field trip was an incredibly fun opportunity for the families as they rarely leave the confines of Chureca.  It was an afternoon where the kids weren’t expected to help work and the parents could relax as their little ones ran out their seemingly endless amounts of energy.  The PDs also took advantage of this time to further our relationships with our CS community.
Douglas takes a swing at the piñata

how many caramelas can you hold?

Jose Antonio
