Interview the Executive Director: Questions for Lori!

Two blog posts in one day?! Pretty shocking, I know. ButI promise it's for an excellent cause.

As mentioned in previous posts, Lori Sharffenberg, Manna Project's Executive Director and co-founder, is currently visiting us in Ecuador and has agreed to let me interview her for the blog. (Or perhaps more accurately, the unbelievably humble Lori has decided to humor me with this interview because I decided mid-morning bus ride that an interview with someone who has seen MPI from the very beginning would be pretty sweet.)

So here's what I need YOU to do: send me questions for Lori's interview by noon THIS Friday. Some topic ideas include her involvement in Manna's founding, where she hopes to see MPI go in the future, and what it's been like to share a room with Haley and me. :) Please submit your questions via the comments section or by e-mailing me at Muchimas gracias!

- Sarah

Lori and the MPIE girls pose for a rooftop photo shoot