25,000 SMACKERS! :)

Hello hello! Long time no see... er... blog. November was a crazy month with daily power outages, long weekends, and globe-trotting Thanksgiving Breaks. But now we're back in full force, and working hard to win $25,000! Yes, you heard correctly... $25,000!

Chase Banks is putting on this competition called Chase Community Giving, in which the top 100 non-profit organizations to earn the most votes on Facebook will win $25,000. This is HUGE. As of right now, we have a definite shot of being within the top 100... but WE NEED YOUR HELP.

Here's what YOU need to do:

1. Click here to become a "fan" of the Chase Community Giving contest on Facebook.
2. Click here to vote for Manna Project International.
(3. Or you can just click that handy little button at the top of our blog, which Jackie, the tech genius, put up yesterday...)

That's all you have to do! One vote really does make a difference. (And if you want to send an e-mail out to any friends, groups, co-workers or listservs who might be willing to vote for us, that would be fabulous!)

If we win the 25k, $5,000 will go directly to funding Ecuador's programs... this could include more furniture for the library (we are in desperate need of more tables and chairs!), appliances for the nutrition program kitchen, more books for the library, and much MUCH more! (How was that for a sales pitch?)

Additionally... since you can vote for up to 20 organizations, we are teaming up with a coalition of other non-profits to cross-promote and increase our chances of winning. This joint effort is sure to give us a leg up on the competition, so please vote for these organizations as well:

Thank you so much for your support... we stand a great chance of winning this competition and we can't do it without you! We appreciate your commitment to our ongoing initiatives, as well as your votes!

Dale pues,