Krysta's Interview AND Questions for Chet!

After many weeks of anticipation, I am happy to give you Krysta's interview. (A combination of amazingly slow internet and a forgetful/busy interview editor contributed to its tardiness. Sorry about that.) Krysta was a great sport, and even allowed me to throw some outtakes in at the end... so you might not want to miss those. Enjoy!

And since I've gotten a bit behind schedule on the interviewing, this is also the blog post announcement/request for questions for Mr. Chester Polson III. Chet is our in-house banker/finance man, who has become most famous for tracking our inability to correctly count money via his weekly Monday Morning Meeting Petty Cash announcements. He's also an art class/microfinance/small business man, and will soon be sharing a living space with Erik once the summer vols invade the house this week. Please either send questions to, or post them in the comments section of this blog by TUESDAY, MAY 11th before bedtime. And be sure to check back in for Chet's interview in the next 10ish days.
