Sarah's Interview... and Goodbye

Here it is, PD Interview #8. Eight down, one more to go. Hooray!

And here I am, on my last day in Ecuador. This year has been quite the journey, and although I'm excited to go back to the States, I'm not excited to leave. In the next four days I will be in 3 different worlds - Ecuador, home, and school - and hopefully during that time I'll be able to better process all that this year has meant to me. I'll keep you posted... perhaps with a Guest Blog in the next couple of weeks.

Thank you for reading this blog throughout the last year. Thank you for your comments and e-mails. But most of all, thanks for supporting us.

And here's the interview...

Hasta lluego,

PS. Don't mind the permanent squinting... we did my interview on the roof and it was super sunny. :)