Radio Charla with the new PDs!

Guest Blog champ, Krysta Peterson, has provided us with one last guest blog. Tomorrow will be my last post as we pass on the reigns to the new bloggers, Noel and Hannah! Enjoy some parting words from Krysta, and Happy August!

"Good Morning Sangolquí!

As you all know, the new PD’s have infiltrated Quito and we are starting to pass our wisdom onto them. Last Thursday, I took 2 of the new PDs, Jack and Noel, to the Sangolquí radio station, Super K, to meet Oswaldo and give them a go at their first radio charla. Jack will be taking over my position as ‘radio head’ next year and let me be the first to say I couldn’t have passed this job down to a better person. With this enthusiasm for the job, I have no doubts he will take the position and our relationship with Super K to a whole new level!

Jack and Noel flawlessly gave July’s radio charla on nutrition. They were so relaxed and had not only me, but also the DJ Marcela, laughing the entire time. After their charla I don’t know who wouldn’t want to come hang out at the library with them this coming year! Manna is in for a great year if all programs are treated with such eagerness and motivation as Jack and Noel showed at the radio. I will admit I was worried to be passing on my programs, my babies, to the newbies but I can honestly say I am confident they will take care of business and do things I never even imagined.

Good luck this year Jack!"

Jack and Noel discussing nutrition

Krysta and Marcela, the SuperK morning DJ

- Krysta