Dia del Niño

Blog post from Lucy:

This past Saturday, June 1st, was dia del niño or children’s day in Ecuador.  As we’ve found out throughout the year, Ecuadorians sure do love their holidays, and this one was no exception.  But we were prepared this time!  On Friday, the kids were all off of school (for a different holiday, Sangolqui day) so we decided to throw a party in the Library for all the kiddos that we know and love in Ecuador!

The summer interns that are helping out with the Library, Charlie, Kristina, and Morgan, planned all week to come up with fun activities and ideas for the fiesta.  Joey, Kristina, and I went to one of the local elementary schools during recess to advertise for the party.  We dodged basketballs and swarms of running, screaming kids while trying to tell them all that they better be there on Friday

Kristina made delicious cookies and fruit salad, while Morgan and Charlie organized games and crafts to keep the kids entertained.  All in all, we had around 70 kids come to our tiny library that day, which was anything but boring!  We let them run amuck, periodically suggesting that they go roughhouse or kick the soccer ball outside on the field, which led to many outdoor soccer and Frisbee games.  They also took full advantage of our sidewalk chalk, decorating the whole path outside.  It looked really cool!  And I’m actually pretty bummed that the rain already washed it away.  The ones who stayed inside, however, made octopuses out of Styrofoam balls and yarn, which was probably the cutest craft ever! 

We had many of our library regulars attend, but we also saw tons and tons of new faces in the library!  We’re hoping that these new kids keep coming back so we can get to know them even better!

 Octopuses (octopi?) were a big hit
 Panoramic view of the madness
Of course, thats Profe Joey under that pile of kids