video camera

Campbell's Soup

While editing Seth's interview, I came across some footage from art class a few weeks back that I had completely forgotten to upload. And since Seth's interview probably won't be ready for another week, here's something to tide you over. This was filmed in the art studio with half the students; the rest of them were in the kid's corner. Not having enough space for all our students is a good problem to have, I have to admit.

Check in tomorrow for a guest blog by a certain someone who likes to bake and has extremely long legs. If that didn't give it away I'm not sure what would :)


Big News!

Well this is exciting.

As I type, all the footage we've taken over the past 4 months with our fabulous video camera is uploading to my imovie; that's right, we FINALLY figured out how to get it to load! It took a few months, 4 attempts at instillation, 2 lost instruction manuals, and a new firewire connection cord (is that even what it's called?) Mark tracked down at the obscure Mac store in Quito to get us to this point, but it's finally happening.

With that said, I'd like to instigate a new system for this blog, a brainchild of one Jocelyn Lancaster and something that makes me giddy just thinking about it. This system is called: "Come Up With Questions For A PD Interview Which Holly Will Record And Put Online". Ok, so maybe I also need suggestions for the name.

Basically, until tomorrow (April 2nd) at noon you will be able to submit to me any question you might have regarding a specified PD; we will be rotating through PDs each week. Tomorrow after 12 noon I will compile all the questions into an interview, force said PD into the hammock room, record their responses, and post the video here on Friday.

The questions can range from anything; program updates, favorite Ecuadorian memory so far, what one song they'd listen to on repeat forever, their biggest challenge so far, misadventures in the kitchen, top 3 places they've visited, etc.

Our first victim: Mark Clayton Hand, country director extraordinaire. Please ask him questions about cooking, PLEASE!

You can submit questions either via the comments section here, or to my email account ( Feel free to ask multiple questions, too! Let the interviews begin!
