MPIV's Vice President of Fundraising & Development, Alaina Shulman, reports on MannaFit, an exciting tradition in its seventh year:
Thanks to all of our donors, sponsors, and volunteers, Mannafit 2011 was a great success! With food donations from more than 30 restaurants in the Nashville area, Silent Auction donations from local and national family, friends, and businesses, and attendance of more than 800 people, we are pleased to announce an estimated total of donations raised from the event alone of almost $10,000!
The event was beautiful. The ambiance, food, music, and support of all the attendees and volunteers made the evening memorable.
This year has also been a landmark for our letter-writing campaign, with a pre-event total of nearly $25,000, and the donations are still coming in. The campaign was re-designed this year to focus on supporting the service projects of each of 11 spring break trips scheduled for this March. We are so proud of the increased involvement of our spring break participants in the fundraising and development projects this year.
We hope that the awareness provided by Mannafit 2011 will aid in the continued growth of our local and global initiatives, and allow us to reach out to even more communities. We so greatly appreciate the support of all of our family, friends, and community members that was behind the success of this event and the funds raised to help communities around the world.