Last Day in Chaquijyá

Utz a wach, followers!!

We started the day at la escuela with Hudson and Kat teaching third through sixth grade students some English numbers and fruits; and in turn we learned a little K’aqchikel, the local dialect (hence our greeting).  After saying goodbye to our friends at the elementary school, we took a very scenic walk on the way back to Solola. Always looking forward to our crazy pickup truck rides into Panajachel, we took one into town to meet with Robin and Yolanda from Mayan Traditions.

There, we got to see Yolanda back-strap weave a beautiful design, and bought a few gifts for our loved ones from their showroom. We had such a good time in Pana that we decided to stay some extra time to walk around Calle Santander and work our bargaining skills. Also, we tried these amazing avocado popsicles dipped in chocolate; those will definitely try to be replicated in our Vanderbilt kitchens. Since we anticipated having beans and eggs for dinner we ate a lot of fun street snacks and fried chicken before dinner. We had a fun time using our new salsa dancing skills in downtown Pana at Rumba bar. Then we played a few rounds of quarenta, our new favorite card game, and went to bed (but not before our nightly pillow talks, duh).

We miss and love our parents and family!
