Have you ever considered giving to a nonprofit in support of a cause you care deeply about, looked up the organization’s overhead costs, and then decided not to give?
I have.
Because, like you, I’d rather know that my donation is going directly to the people who need it most. It just makes sense! Until last year, overhead costs were the main determining factor in my decision whether or not to donate to an organization.
Then I saw Dan Pallotta’s TEDTalk, "The way we think about charity is dead wrong." His words turned everything I believed about nonprofit effectiveness on its head and changed the way I think about work, charitable giving and even my own impact in this world!
““The things we’ve been taught to think about giving and about charity and about the nonprofit sector, are actually undermining the causes we love, and our profound yearning to change the world.””
After watching Dan’s TEDTalk, our staff started dreaming. What could Manna Project do with an additional 1% of operational funding? "The Power of One" fundraising campaign was born.
Today, December 1st, our community is working together to raise $5,400 in new funding. This 1% increase to our annual budget can allow us to hire a new, full-time Senior Program Director in Nicaragua or Ecuador - a 17% increase in manpower for the coming program year.
I am so grateful that Dan Palotta challenged the way I think about empowering charities. It has led us to this day, and to a year of incredible possibilities for Manna Project and the communities we serve.
I hope you will take the time to watch Dan's talk. Find out if it revolutionizes the way you think about the entire nonprofit sector, like it did for us here at Manna Project. And then, help us put his words into practice by supporting Manna Project's #GivingTuesday fundraiser!
Thank you!
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2015 Audited Financials
2013 - 2014 Expenses and Revenue: