Our June Newsletter has arrived!
This month's headlines include:
- Slather's Story - how one community member used tools from MPI's English Vocational Training pilot program to land a life-changing opportunity;
- The Spring Fundraiser - how every dollar makes a difference;
- Treating parasitic infections in Villa Guadalupe, Nicaragua;
- Ecuador community comes together to support MPI's programs at the Second Annual Hornado Solidario;
- A new semester of classes begin at the MPI Community Center in Ecuador;
- Summer interns arrive on site;
- Reaching single mothers with entrepreneurship training;
- Jewelry cooperative featured by the US Embassy and Walmart of Mexico & Central America;
- Worcester State University team teaches environmental sustainability and honors moms for Nicaragua's Mother's Day;
- MPI is now a platinum-level charity with Guidestar.org;
- Joining the 2016 Combined Federal Campaign;
- and last but not least...calling all recent grads! MPI seeks Program Directors.