The Faces of Summer Camp
The Year in Photographs
Brass Kunckles and Birthday Cakes
Hey all.
It's been a week since there's been anything new on here, hasn't it? Seeing as how this is in fact called the "Daily Life Blog", that is a little more than shameful. Sincere apologies all around.
Right now it feels like my sinus cavity has been punched a few times by someone wearing brass knuckles while his friend poured molasses into my lungs and is now sitting on my chest. And I'm not the only one who is feeling like this, so things are pretty good down here, as you might have guessed.
Aside from that delightful update on the health status of the Manna house dwellers, I'm at a loss for where to start with recapping the past few weeks. And so I turn to the trusty Manna camera to do the job for me. Thanks Manna Cam!
(And ps. Happy Birthday today to Sarah Scott!)
The Girls and The Quito
On Saturday morning, Jos and I had bagels and fresh fruit juice for breakfast and wished our house had potted plants in our window sills.
We spent a late morning in silent awe inside a church painted in such decadent colors it felt as though we had walked into a sorbet coated, South American Versailles.
We walked through a tent city protesting PetroEcuador's presence in the rain forest.
We climbed two huge metal balls in a park. And then some spray painted helium canisters because they looked lonely.
We ate a lunch of red bananas, pineapple, freshly baked wheat bread, and avocado-black bean-onion-tomato-lime salad on our little hostel balcony.
Then we took a nap and readied ourselves for a classic-rock jam session with 100 of our closest Ecuadorian friends...
On Sunday, Dana reorganized some of the cement parking aids...
while Jos found herself a handsome boyfriend at the mall.
Then we all watched Transformers 2: Rise of the Fallen. And we LOVED IT. Seriously. It was hysterical.
At 9pm, we hailed a cab, piled all our bags into it's trunk, and let out collective sighs every few minutes as we drove our tired, city-dazed little souls back to the boys, the summer vols, and the fresh-aired valley.
Sigh. We will certainly miss this place.