the girls

The Girls and The Quito

This past weekend, Jos and I planned a girl's weekend in Quito for the four of us. We rented 2 rooms in a hostel and spent the weekend wandering through our beloved city as (slightly more informed and jaded) tourists. Serena and Dana joined us Saturday night for a nap, some dinner, and a lot of dancing, per usual. When there's a live cover band singing a medley of Beatles, Led Zepplin, and Doors songs, one has no other option. One must dance. Please enjoy the pictoral account of our weekend.

On Saturday morning, Jos and I had bagels and fresh fruit juice for breakfast and wished our house had potted plants in our window sills.

We spent a late morning in silent awe inside a church painted in such decadent colors it felt as though we had walked into a sorbet coated, South American Versailles.

We walked through a tent city protesting PetroEcuador's presence in the rain forest.

We climbed two huge metal balls in a park. And then some spray painted helium canisters because they looked lonely.

We ate a lunch of red bananas, pineapple, freshly baked wheat bread, and avocado-black bean-onion-tomato-lime salad on our little hostel balcony.

Then we took a nap and readied ourselves for a classic-rock jam session with 100 of our closest Ecuadorian friends...

On Sunday, Dana reorganized some of the cement parking aids...

while Jos found herself a handsome boyfriend at the mall.

Then we all watched Transformers 2: Rise of the Fallen. And we LOVED IT. Seriously. It was hysterical.

At 9pm, we hailed a cab, piled all our bags into it's trunk, and let out collective sighs every few minutes as we drove our tired, city-dazed little souls back to the boys, the summer vols, and the fresh-aired valley.

Sigh. We will certainly miss this place.


Saturday Night Sunset

As enjoyed by us girls. Who haven't quite mastered the art of MacBook photo booth pictures :)

For all of you blog readers, I have an early request. As mentioned at the end of the Mark Hand interview, this week I will be interviewing Jocelyn Lancaster (second from the right); exciting! However, this Friday Ecuador has a holiday (for Semana Santa) for which we will all be traveling; thus i'm pushing up the deadline for questions a day earlier.

If you have a question you'd like Jocelyn to answer, please post it as a comment or email it to me by Tuesday, April 7 at midnight!
